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Safe Remedies for the Insomniac

Many people struggle with short-term insomnia, which is prevalent is a common sleep disorder that makes falling asleep and staying asleep difficult. Every person needs a different amount of sleep. So there is no set number of hours of sleep for every person. Most adults require something around seven hours of sleep every night. If your sleeping patterns are ill affecting your quality of life, there may be home remedies that could help you sleep. Try these things before you turn to medications that have side effects and pose the risk of addiction!

Mindfulness Meditation

Mindfulness mediation is a steady, slow breathing exercise that you perform while sitting quietly. It involves observing your breath, thoughts, body, feelings, and sensation as they appear and disappear.

This practice has many health benefits that promote good sleep, reduce stress, boost immunity, and improve concentration. You can meditate as often as preferred. Even just fifteen minutes of meditation, morning and evening can make an impact.


Exercise is a practice that boosts your health in multiple ways. You enjoy better moods, more energy, weight loss, and, most importantly – improved sleep. According to a study from 2015, participants exercised for a minimum of 150 minutes each week for six months.

It found that participants experienced considerably fewer symptoms o insomnia and reduced symptoms of depression and anxiety. This means to reap the same benefits. You should make sure you get at least 20 minutes of exercise every day.



Another study conducted in 2015 found that massage therapy was highly beneficial for people struggling with insomnia as it improved the quality of sleep and improved daytime dysfunction.

Massage has the potential to reduce feelings of pain, depression, and anxiety as well. If you cannot get a professional massage, you could try self-massage, which offers the same benefits. You can also ask your partner or friend to give you the massage.

Magnesium Supplements

This naturally occurring mineral is important for the relaxing of muscles and stress relief. In a study conducted in 2012, participants who took supplements of 500mg of magnesium every day for two months experienced reduced symptoms of insomnia. They also saw better sleep patterns. You could also add magnesium flakes to bath water and soak in the tub, as the magnesium will absorb right through your skin.


Lavender is a powerful floral oil used for mood improvement, pain reduction, and sleep promotion. The common belief is that oral consumption of lavender is more effective at inducing sleep. In a study conducted in 2014, participants ingested lavender capsules.

The observations showed that the lavender improved sleep patterns in people with depression when taken with antidepressants. The lavender capsules seemed to reduce stress levels enough to induce sleep. 20 to 80mg of lavender orally each day or drinking of lavender tea is all beneficial for sleep.


This is a compound that can help you fall asleep very fast. It is also capable of enhancing sleep quality. Research from 2016 shows that melatonin improves sleep quality significantly in people struggling with cancer and insomnia.

The recommended dosage is 1 to 5mg of melatonin half an hour to two hours before bed. It suggests that people use the smallest effective dose to reduce the likelihood of side effects, although it is a natural product.

Small Lifestyle Changes that Help to Improve Sleep

Another means of reducing the chance of having issues with sleeping at night is to avoid having caffeinated drinks. This includes sodas, nicotine products, and alcohol, which are all known to disrupt sleep. Also, it is best to avoid eating heavy meals at night. One should also refrain from having meals within two hours before bedtime. While exercise is great for sleep, it is important to try and get the exercise in the earlier hours of the day rather than closer to bedtime.

A hot bath or shower at the end of the day can help you relax and calm and ease into sleep mode. Avoid staring at screens for at least an hour or two before bed. This means phone screens, TV screens, and computer screens or tablet screens. Having a dark and cool bedroom also goes a long way in improving and inducing sleep. Try to only climb into bed when you tired. If you do not fall asleep in twenty minutes, it is best to get out of bed and work on something else until you feel sleepy.

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