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The Many Benefits of Alternate Nostril Breathing and the Many Positive Benefits On Your Health

Nadi Shodhana is a form of pranayama or it is the breath control branch of yoga. Nadi Shodhana’s form of breathing is the alternate nose breathing where you use your thumb to close one nostril as you breathe through the other and breathe out as your hold the alternative nostril with your index finger.

It is a practice that involves clearing the passageways of the body as it cleanses and purifies your body.  It boasts of countless benefits and it is recommended that you include it daily into your regime. Here are some of its amazing benefits.

With just a few minutes of practice of alternate nostril breathing, you can begin to balance your mind and body. Sometimes when you are feeling frazzled or wired or trying to multitask, you begin to grow out of alignment. This breathing practice is great to bring back the necessary balance. Apart from reversing the anxiety and stress levels of the body, it can also boast of several other benefits.

 It can Quieten Your Mind

The practice of alternate nostril breathing is one of the best techniques to calm a frantic mind. It can gradually help focus inward. Alternate your fingers to focus the breath as you tune your attention inward and ground your focus more efficiently.

It Can Bring About a Sense of Balance

You can use the practice of alternate nostril breathing in the practice to create more balance. A balance of mind and body usually involves balancing the yin and the yang, between being there and doing, between resting and working.
Holistic healing can balance your dualistic forces as you align the physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual aspects of yourself.

It is Great For Your Heart and Lung Health

Though there is little scientific research to back the statement apart from this one study of Nepal that showed that practicing 15 minutes of alternate nostril breathing a day for at least four weeks can have a positive impact not only on your cardiovascular health but also on your respiratory health. It can reduce the pulse rate, respiratory rate, and diastolic blood pressure, coercing your body to get into a more relaxed state of mind.

It Can Help you Get into a Longer Meditative Practice

When you sit down to meditate you cannot immediately start focusing. Your mind may start to wander, but a breathing practice such as alternate nostril breathing can prepare you for a longer meditative practice.  It is one of the most effective tools to bring about self-awareness.

Practicing it Right

It is very important to get the steps right so that you get the most benefits of this calming practice. Remember whenever you do a breathing practice such as this one, you need to ensure that you do not eat for at least four hours so the ideal time to do this practice can usually be in the morning or in the evening. Ensure you are in a cool and calm atmosphere. You can open the windows to let the air come in through it or you can even do it in the open air. Press your middle finger and pointer finger of your right hand together, place the same on the bridge of your nose. just between the eyebrows so your thumb, this way the thumb will fall on the outside of your nostril (right) and your ring finger presses your left nostril.

Gently close your eyes as apply slight pressure on your right nostril until your nostril is blocked. Inhale through the left nostril, you can even count to a one, two, and three to focus better. Next, release the right nostril and apply pressure on the left nostril with the ring finger at the count of one-two, and three as you release the breath. Repeat the cycle, as you breathe in through your right nostril. This way you can complete one cycle. You begin and end on the left side.

Continue to do it for at least 5 minutes to ensure you are comfortable. Try and increase the duration of your inhalation and exhalation. Ensure you do it every day to reap off maximum benefits and maintain a specific schedule. Practice regularly so that eventually you are able to increase the duration.



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