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Is CBD Oil Really Effective In Treating Diabetes?

Cannabidiol oil, better known as CBD oil, has been gaining ground, owing to its effectiveness in dealing with therapeutic issues, discomfort, and stress management. Some experts are claiming that CBD oil is absolutely indispensable when it comes to treating conditions like depression, anxiety, sleeplessness, pain, inflammation as well as epileptic seizures. Recently, it has been observed that Cannabidiol oil can be somewhat effective in fighting diabetes. Though Epidiolex, a cannabidiol drug, got the FDA approval in 2018 for the treatment of epilepsy disorders, the FDA is still in the process of building the regulatory framework for CBD. Let’s find out what exactly CBD oil is, how do you use it, and whether it’s safe and legal for you.

What Is CBD?

The Cannabis plant contains over a hundred phytocannabinoids and Cannabidiol oil or CBD is one of them. While tetrahydrocannabinol or THC gets you high, CBD won’t and that’s probably the reason why recreational users weren’t quite inclined towards this type of oil. However, the scenario has changed a little bit in recent times. As several studies have declared that CBD is a consequential factor in treating depression, insomnia, and mood disorders, people’s interest in this special component of marijuana has been more prominent. Owing to some federal restrictions, in-depth research has not been possible but considering whatever has come to the surface, CBD oil might play a vital role in curing psychotic disorders.

How To Use CBD?

Around 47 states in America allow the medicinal use of CBD, while 10 states would allow you to use it recreationally only. If you are a resident of any of these states, it’s completely legal to take CBD oil. You can consume it orally, in liquid form or in capsules. A few states have now come up with CBD coffee and CBD cheeseburgers, too. Aside from that, you can lay your hands on CBD lotions and balms which you can use topically. The user has to fix the dosage as the FDA doesn’t approve its recreational use. The good news is that it’s not fatal or harmful at all. Hence, it is considered safe for consumption within permissible limits. You might want to check out a few frequently asked questions which are duly answered by the FDA.

How Do CBD Benefit People Suffering From Diabetes?

Although advanced clinical trials regarding the use of CBD oil has not been carried out yet, preliminary studies have really been promising. This might invite increased funding from the National Institute of Health and the DEA to continue research on the advanced level. As of now, 4657 patients have been studied over a time period of 5 years and a strong connection between a methodical usage of marijuana and improved blood sugar levels have been revealed.

The Good News

As per the study on the impact of cannabinoids on metabolic processes (published in National Library of Medicine) people who have been using cannabis consistently have been found to have a good 16% reduction in the insulin levels while fasting and a 17% decline in levels of insulin resistance. Additionally, the levels of HDL-C have increased and typical cases of obesity have been under control.

With all these being said, reliable information hasn’t been derived regarding how safe it is to consume CBD oil during pregnancy and breastfeeding. It’s better to avoid the substance for recreational purpose. You should always consult a physician before consuming cannabinoids.

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