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How To Handle Separation Anxiety of Your Child? A Few Valuable Tips to Aid You in The Journey!

Separation anxiety happens to most children, while the intensity of it varies in each one of them. Some babies even become hysterical as soon as their mom is out of sight. It may affect children of different ages – infancy, toddlerhood, and preschool.

So, how can you handle an acute sense of separation anxiety? There are different ways to prepare yourself for it, including preparation, brisk transitions, and more over time. The truth is that parents may suffer from a similar case of separation anxiety when they start working. The quick pang of guilt you feel when your kids hold on to them when you leave for work. You may even have a feeling that you are doing it all wrong. While the transition may turn out to be difficult, you can handle the kids if you are well-prepared, and here’s how to do it.

Good-Bye Rituals That Work

While you may not want your child to bank upon coping hacks, there are some things that you can leave behind to lower the separation anxiety, such as major-league-baseball-style hand movements or cubby. You can also leave behind a special blanket or a toy to take their minds off the current situation. It is important to show your love and resolve at the same time. If you linger too much, then you may unnecessarily cause more problems.

Just stick to the comfort of a routine which can build the feeling of trust. Stay consistent, stick to a routine and do the same ritual at the same time each day, this can avoid unexpected problems or displays of distress. A routine can also minimize heartache and other issues.

Give Ample Attention

When you separate from your child, just ensure you give your him full attention, shower affection but not too much. Followed by the love, say a firm good-bye before the antics begin. Also, try and focus on the fact that you will come back at the right time and then you can do something together. This will give your child to look forward to something. It can be as fun as playing their favorite game or as simple as reading a book together.

Ensure You Keep Your Promise

Your child will start trusting you only when you stick to your promise of return. It is particularly important to keep up the promise during the transitionary phase. If you are just a little bit late, your son or daughter may start blaming you for not keeping up with your word. Just a few days of not following the rule may make your child insecure. So, it is important to take a good look at your routine, leave early, if your job is demanding, so that you can come early. It may seem difficult at the onset, but a few days down the line, you’ll find that it is not as difficult as it initially seemed.

Be Specific When You Promise Your Child

When you leave, your child may be looking for a specific assurance. So, give them a time – you can tell them you’ll be back by nap time or you may have the afternoon snack together. Ensure that they understand the time. This may even be a good time to teach them the mechanics of a clock. Just tell them you’ll be back when the smaller hand of the clock reaches three and the bigger hand reaches five. You can prepare them for uncertainties as well. Tell them you’ll call them if you are late. Try and think of a funny ritual in that case, this may stop them from getting into a fit or crying.

Practice Separation

Your child needs to stay separate from time to time. Arrange for play dates or send them to their grandma’s home. Allow friends and family to take care of your child on the weekend. Getting them to do this before they join the school is very important, as then leaving them at school won’t cause much of a problem. Ensure your child gets a chance to prepare, experience, survive, and even thrive in your absence.

If you are still concerned about your child’s adapting capabilities, talk to a pediatrician who will help deal with your unease and forge a suitable plan for you.

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