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Suffering from Misophonia? Seven Lifestyle Changes to Feel Better!

Misophonia is a disorder that causes an immediate reaction to certain things such as chewing, dripping water, chewing gum, or grating repetitive noises — even something as mundane as pencil tapping. People suffering from misophonia may feel enraged or panicky when they hear such trigger sounds.

There is a treatment in the form of targeted therapy or some lifestyle recommendations such as try to stay in noise-free areas and using sound protection in some ways. If therapy doesn’t work, what people can do is try relaxation techniques to reduce stress. You need certain lifestyle changes as the sensory system is extremely complex. What you need is to improve your overall health so that you feel less threatened by the triggers. Use these natural techniques to feel better and have better-coping techniques to combat the condition.

Start with eating healthily

It is said people with misophonia may respond better to organic and non-GMO foods. Though this isn’t a science-backed theory, what you need to know is we can give our bodies a better chance of healing by eating nutritious food. An organic diet adds lots of value to your life. Processed foods contain certain compounds that can trigger an attack. When you eat right, you invariably feel good and have a positive impact on your brain.

Set a calming schedule

A sensory or calming regimen involves the use of certain activities (organizing and energizing), such as activities that are used by occupational therapists to treat disorders of the senses. This is largely useful for regulating auditory over-responsivity and misophonia.

Hydrate and hydrate

When your body is unable to function at the basic level and experiences an overload of toxin, it is unable to handle outward threats. The brain needs adequate amounts of water to function better. So, it is important to drink water throughout the day and not drink water only at certain times of the day. Most individuals should drink at least half of their weight in pounds.

Avoid toxic beauty products

Switching to toxic-free beauty products can make you feel better. Chemically-laced products have strong scents and this alone may trigger a panic attack. Certain scents can overload your olfactory senses. Also, it’s not about treating misophonia only; chemical-free products also help improve your overall health.  Aluminum and parabens are not only a part of beauty products but they find their way sneakily in household products as well.

Organic products, sound frightfully expensive to some but there are easy-to-use cleaning products that you can make on your own. Browse through various sites that can offer DIY hacks, make the most of them, and find toxic-free home-made solutions to your cleaning problems. Even when it comes to beauty products, some amazing kitchen hacks for you can be counted as all-natural and inexpensive solutions.

Regulate your senses with swimming

Swimming is an ideal activity for sensory regulation. It chiefly works because it helps in relaxation and it also knocks off the burden of proprioceptive pressure is said to regulate the sensory system. Plus, it’s just great exercise for your entire body!

Walking outside amidst nature

Getting away from the city mayhem sounds like a great idea, especially when you can wander out amid nature that blanks out the cacophony of busy city life. Not only do you feel a deep sense of calm when you venture out but you have some time to reset yourself and escape the distress-causing noises. However, even if it is not possible to get away from the city completely, you can just manage a walk. A walk is an excellent way to switch off from the immediate stress overpowering you.

Staying alone can help

Not all homes or offices offer a cobbled path to verdant foliage. If you feel a panic attack welling up deep inside you, take a break, take deep breathes, gulp in the fresh air, if not outside, then inside at your desk or in the restroom.  You start courting your inner zen and feel a lot calmer and better.

If you are suffering from misophonia and these triggers do not work, you can seek professional help in the form of TRT or Tinnitus retraining therapy, cognitive-behavioral therapy, and counseling. Don’t suffer in silence; if you are suffering seek help ASAP!

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