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How To Talk About Mental Health To People Who Refuse To Listen

Though the world is becoming more sensitive towards various kinds of mental illnesses, there are still communities where talking about mental issues do not seem to be fruitful. It can be quite challenging for the patient to convince others of their mental condition. Sometimes, it is not enough to realize that you need help — you need to make others believe in you, too. But there are cases when they are not ready to understand that this is something important and needs attention. Here are a few ways you can talk about your condition to the people around you even if they do not want to listen.

Make Them Understand The Importance Of The Conversation

If you are talking to a close family member or a friend about this, remember that they do love you. So, be honest and talk to them. Make them understand that you do need help. Use phrases like, “I need you to help me” or “Please listen to me before you say something”. Experts say that you need to pick a time when your loved one is in a good mood and is more agreeable than other times. Tell them what you are going through and how these experiences are impacting your daily life.

Say Things That Your Loved One Is More Likely To Relate To

If your loved ones are not so open-minded, be careful about how you present your problem to them. The main reason why people tend to not acknowledge mental issues is because of social stigma. They are ashamed to admit that someone in their family is probably mentally unstable. Hence, if you use words like mental disorder, abnormal, or troubled, it might not go down well with them. Hence, use words that they can relate to like insomnia or loss of appetite. If you start your conversation telling them about your physical symptoms, then they might be more eager to listen to what you have to say.

Seek Professional Help

If things go out of hand, accept the fact that you might have to see a professional and do something about the issue that you are facing even if your family does not approve of it. It is important to take the step and know when to go because if you leave the problem untreated for a long time, it will get even worse. Regular therapy sessions might even help you to get back to normal life and allow you to communicate with others more easily.

Get Help From Outside




Even if you do not have a supportive family, there are other ways you can get yourself treated and seek for ways to live a better life. There are several support groups that you can join which can give you the right advice and support that you need. They might also be able to provide you with a better explanation of your condition and why you feel the way you do. These groups can also help you understand how you can manage your finances better in case the fees for therapy sessions are too much. There are also hospitals and clinics where therapy sessions are available for a minimal price. Also, find friends outside the family with whom you feel comfortable talking — the kind of people who have accepted you wholeheartedly and are willing to make time for you to help you get better. Strong support systems are essential, and opening up instead of keeping your pent-up emotions within yourself will be of great help to ease the stress in your mind. The more you talk about it, the easier it is to accept what you are facing. Don’t be discouraged or think that you’re a hopeless case. Things always get better.

Experts believe that open communication is the key to solving a problem like this. The more you feel comfortable talking about it, it will help your family understand more about what you’re going through. Removing the shame and stigma around mental health will be gone someday, but until then, we need to be strong and stay put in our place. Believing in ourselves and staying motivated is a lot easier when you have the love of your dear ones. But if you are not getting that, then show love to yourself and do what will make you feel better. Self-love is the best love after all.

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