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Jennifer Aniston Is Trying To Put A Band-Aid On Her Wounded Past

Not all of us come from a fully functional family; not all of us get the love we deserve from our families, and not all of us get the support from our closest relations. But, that is alright. Life does give lemons at times and it is up to us how we deal with those lemons. Despite being a big star, Jennifer Aniston’s childhood was quite devastating. If she had not found her calling in acting, she could have spoiled her life entirely. But she took matters into her own hands and is now trying to learn from the mistakes of her mother into how she can be a much better person and one day, a much better parent to her own children when or if she decides to have them.  It is all highly commendable.

Aniston’s Childhood

At a young age, Aniston saw her parents ending their marriage with terrible bitterness. She started living with her mother. Her mother was an actress too, but they never shared any other type of connection that would bring them closer. She confessed that her mother would say “Honey, take better care of yourself,’ or ‘Honey put your face on,’ or all of those odd sound bites that I can remember from my childhood,” and that was about as much of the advice she would receive from her mother. For a child, being distant from your mother can be one of the hardest feats. However, Aniston has turned out to be a person who is beautiful both inside and out!

Late Realization

As she grew up it was easier for her to understand that how her mother behaved was due to being a product of her own upbringing. Her mother was not at fault really. She was trying her best while at the same time struggling with her newly divorced status and her financial woes as well. Unfortunately, they did drift away from each other as she grew up. It was her friends who filled the void and helped her become a compassionate human being.

It has been her amazing career, her friends and her family that helped her become the person she is today.

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